
May 20, 2021

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First up, Ticks! It is spring and with all the wonderful things spring brings, they also bring some very interesting little bugs!

Let’s Talk About Ticks….

We have seen the emergence of ticks in Alberta over the last few years. These tiny, creepy crawlies are the size of a poppy seed when they attach, and they like to bite humans or any animal. Once on a human or animal, they migrate to an area of skin and will latch their mouth into the skin. As they feed, they become bigger and bigger! Ticks are usually found in tall grasses, wooded areas and areas of thick underbrush, but they have also been found in the short grass in municipal backyards.

To remove a tick, you need to grasp it close to the mouth (where it attaches to the skin) and pull it off with steady pressure. Do not twist! You can purchase special tick removers, use standard tweezers or call us for help!  If you successfully remove the tick, put it into a small container and bring it into the clinic so we can submit it for surveillance tracking.

Ticks are able to carry many diseases and transmit them to their host (animal or human) when they bite. By the time a tick is found, it has often had a chance to feed and there is already a risk of disease transmission. The goal is to prevent the tick’s attachment. There are many products that can help in this endeavour! Our staff would be happy to help you pick the right tick prevention product for your pets. Even with using preventatives, it is important to check yourself and your animal for ticks! They can show up in surprising areas- such as skin folds, eyelids, gums and under the collar!

Check out these additional resources for more info!
Alberta Government Tick and Lyme Disease: https://www.alberta.ca/lyme-disease-tick-surveillance.aspx
Recognizing and Treating Ticks: https://www.purina.co.uk/articles/dogs/health/parasites/spotting-and-treating-ticks
Blue Cross for Pets- Video “How to remove ticks”: https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-advice/dogs-and-ticks
Photo by Erik Karits from Pexels